Here is a podcast on with Leah Davis, Leslie Roberson, and Tommie Nguyen
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Blog 6
The Networked Student
First and foremost, I love the professional music provided at the beginning! I’m glad I heard the part where he said the actual tools are not the target of importance. However, what the tools provide in communication is the most important thing. The student being portrayed in the presentation seemed to really grasp the point of his course. He made connections needed and used others’ knowledge and findings to help him as a student. Sharing knowledge is the key! No one knows absolutely everything. But with communication, knowledge is empowered!
I am personally not a Skype user. However, I do have a username that I made when I first got this laptop and saw Skype on the desktop. My dad will Skype me sometimes when he’s sitting on the same couch as I am. Other than dad being annoying, I have to really use it. I do have a friend that moved to England in middle school. I know Skype isn't for just people for across the world, but my friend is someone who I obviously don't get to see often with whom I would like to reconnect.
Teaching students how to use these tools at hand is so important! If Dr. Strange was not available everyday by email or our student assistants were not frequently in the lab willing to help, I just may have dropped this course! I would be a lost little duckling with nowhere to go and no one to which I could turn. But because I have people willing to help, I now know many more things than I had August 23, 2010. Thanks to everyone for helping!
This video is making me feel terrible! Knowing that she is doing this as a twelve-year-old is really making me realize I have got to get serious about technology! I love the home page with all the “apps” available at hand. One interesting thing about her video in particular is that she showed a Pakistan Leopard Gecko. My little brother and big sister both have one; it is funny because no one has ever heard or seen one of those! Her PLN is so neat! I may have to review this video when completing more projects in the future. She mentions freedom in her video. I never thought of it that way. As a student, regardless the age, it is empowering to know an assignment and you are set free to do it on your own while using your own creativity. I am hoping to see more of these PLNs from her class. Like I said, I really enjoyed the page that contained everything she’d need. I too would benefit from such a source.
The Machine is Changing Us
I particular quote that really got me was "We shape our tools, and thereafter our tools shape us." Regardless of what the "tool" is, this saying is true! It is so interesting that the guy from 1984 says that we will choose to do nothing! I was not alive in 1984 but I was alive in 1995, and I know how much the world has changed since '95! For example, in 1995 I was in kindergarten. My class played a math game. Everyone stood while Mrs. Brunson verbally gave the next individual a math problem. If the student answered it correctly, he/she was still in the game. If not, Mrs. Brunson held her fingers as if it were a gun, pointed it at the wrong student and said, "pow!" The student was dead and had to sit down. Could you imagine if that happened in the world today? My mom had a conference with her and Mrs. Brunson's response was, "Well it's not a real gun!" Trust me, we are not sitting around, at least now. Whether it's a behavioral issue or it's about a technology, everything is changing; the world is changing among us!
The Machine is Changing Us
I particular quote that really got me was "We shape our tools, and thereafter our tools shape us." Regardless of what the "tool" is, this saying is true! It is so interesting that the guy from 1984 says that we will choose to do nothing! I was not alive in 1984 but I was alive in 1995, and I know how much the world has changed since '95! For example, in 1995 I was in kindergarten. My class played a math game. Everyone stood while Mrs. Brunson verbally gave the next individual a math problem. If the student answered it correctly, he/she was still in the game. If not, Mrs. Brunson held her fingers as if it were a gun, pointed it at the wrong student and said, "pow!" The student was dead and had to sit down. Could you imagine if that happened in the world today? My mom had a conference with her and Mrs. Brunson's response was, "Well it's not a real gun!" Trust me, we are not sitting around, at least now. Whether it's a behavioral issue or it's about a technology, everything is changing; the world is changing among us!
Blog 5
The Education Podcasting Network seems like a great source for all teachers. For new teachers, things can be overwhelming and there could be things that we are unsure about. We all need new ideas to incorporate learning. The EPN is trying to bring all teachers together for more information and ideas of podcasting. I love being able to find new strategies and using someone else’s creativity when my brain is struggling! As a new teacher in a few years, I will for sure be looking back to EPN.
The list of benefits of using podcasts in the classroom goes on forever. Children of this generation are already familiar with many types of technology. Whether it be at schools or at home, kids of all ages are highly qualified technological users. Using podcasts in the classroom allows students to use higher level thinking skills. Paper and pen are limiting to the imagination, possibilities, and creativity. Also, students can either present a project using podcast or even teach about their information on the podcast.
Judy Scharf describes a podcast as the following: "The term "podcast" is a cross between "broadcast" and "iPod." A podcast is a "radio-style" talk show. It may include music as well." The best thing about producing a podcast is that it invited so many different elements into a presentation. Instead of standing in front of the class with note cards, podcasts allow us to incorporate music, video, pictures, and additional audio! It is the newly stylish way to present and receive information at the click of a button.
Judy Scharf describes a podcast as the following: "The term "podcast" is a cross between "broadcast" and "iPod." A podcast is a "radio-style" talk show. It may include music as well." The best thing about producing a podcast is that it invited so many different elements into a presentation. Instead of standing in front of the class with note cards, podcasts allow us to incorporate music, video, pictures, and additional audio! It is the newly stylish way to present and receive information at the click of a button.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Additional Assignment #1
A./B. As a visual learner, Google Squared and WolframAlpha were much simpler to view exactly what was being searched. Charts and tables are some of my best friends! I wasn’t given 990,000 underlined titles that all include the word “India.” When searching for a simple something and then having to choose an appropriate link, these search engines worked very well! It gives you just what you need. And if it doesn’t, as in the population example, adding the search is simple. It is much more efficient.
C./D. I knew nothing about Google Squared or WolframAlpha before this assignment! I’ve come to realize there is a lot more out there than I started this course. During the activity that we have to download 15 programs and become a member or create an account of all of them, I quickly saw that I am living in a small, small world! I didn’t know anything about these searches; I guess you could say I live in a Google kind of world! Even though I say that, I still didn’t know much about Google, like the calendar and documents.
E.The “Did You Know” video really got my attention. When the facts about China, India, and Bermuda were flashed, I had all kinds of thoughts! I knew that China was much bigger than the United States. However, when the fact “China will soon be the number one English speaking country,” the first thing I thought of was, “Wow! We are so behind!” Now that I’m supposed to be thinking about this, I kind of felt pressured to think this way! Yes, I seriously believe these words flashed in my face influenced my thoughts! The music was also pretty scary! I do feel better looking at population. However, if this assignment were still assigned but it did not say “this assignment has to do with the “Did You Know” video,” I probably never would have thought about it still!
F. I am usually pretty good with looking more closely at statistics before making a judgment. As an athlete, if Betty game stats were better than mine, surely something had to be wrong! I will always look into it. I’d go to minutes played, what those minutes were, who was on the court with them (same and opposing team), and also who we played. If I was 38% from the field and Betty was 82% from the field, it looks like Betty is just a better player! However, what we don’t realize is that I played thirty-two minutes and Betty played a total of nine minutes. I had more opportunities to shoot. I think I do a poor job of really analyzing statistics when they don’t have to do with my own performance. Make a judgment without knowing all of the information could be a false judgment.
The Stable Boy and the iPad: It is important to create useful, helpful devices that can be used by all people just by experiencing it themselves.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Blog 4
Don't Teach Your Kids This Stuff. Please?
Dr. Scott McLeod works at Iowa State University as a professor. He and Dr. Joan Hughes established a national technology program, CASTLE, for secondary and college education. It helps to make sure that the education system is fulfilling technological requirements in the schools. Castle stands for the following: Center for the Advanced Study of Technology in Education. Also, the following was my comment on his blog post, "Don't Teach Your Kids This Stuff. Please?": Mr. McLeod,
I’ve been assigned by Dr. Strange to read this post. I really enjoyed reading what you have to say about technology! I agree to an extent. My parents got my brother a cell phone when he was 10. My parents did not do it because he is spoiled rotten. He never asked for a cell phone. My brother is very active and is always somewhere! When he goes to a friend’s house, we hate having to call the home phone to get in touch with him. When he goes to a football game with some friends, my parents don’t like having to give up their own cell phones so he can call us for any reason. So like I said, I completely agree on most levels! But for some things, I think it’s okay to incorporate technology in children’s lives. However, too many technical things is a little too much! Thanks for your post! I look forward to reading more from you. The following is a link to my blog:
Leah Davis
The iSchool Initiative
I love the idea of iSchool! I am currently observing at Foley Elementary School. On Friday, I was in Mrs. Davis’ kindergarten classroom. Included in center time are four iPod Touches. In this particular center, four children are given each an iPod Touch and a set of headphones. Downloaded on the iPods are educational games for kindergarten students. Also included are songs that go along with learning like, “The Days of the Week” and “There Are Four Seasons and I Know Them All.” This provides the five and six-year-old kids with education and technology.
In college, we are already using “iSchool,” as all of our assignments, grades, due dates, and communication are through the internet. To avoid a complete culture shock and overwhelming feelings when students enter college, why not already have them introduced by including some of this in high school? It seems easier to navigate the iSchool than going to for everything we are assigned. For example, when sixth graders need to know what all of the numbers are on the periodic table, they no longer have to Google or Ask Jeeves anything else! All that is necessary is pulling it up on the iSchool and clicking on the elements! This is so much more convenient and less time consuming.
What is also nice about this is the fact that everything is in the kids’ hands. When a teenager goes out of town for Thanksgiving, they are certain to an assignment over the break. No more excuses on the following Monday! This way, kids can work while during the eight hour drives and not have to lug around four binders, enough paper, all of the handouts, the dictionary, and the necessary mediums. This is a great idea!
The Lost Generation
Wow! I am posting these first few sentences on the first twenty-three seconds. So far, it seems to be unfortunately true. Every time I meet someone new, I assume their parents are not together. When I meet a new adult, I assume they are recently divorced. How sad is it that we automatically assume that people get caught up in other things and their families are breaking apart? I just now hit play and quickly pause once again! “Experts say that in thirty years I will be celebrating the tenth anniversary of my divorce.” According to statistics, yes, I will not argue that statement! What’s worse is that we will probably be “celebrating” it, and not still be in mourning over it.
I absolutely love that she reversed the speech! I was wondering if that was going to be done or not; I was wondering if she was going to go along with the statistics and the predictions, or she would fight them.
When I am sitting at the computer with the television behind me and all of a sudden I don’t hear anything, I always turn around. When I do, I see that it is a commercial that has no visual actors or images. The commercial is just flashing up statements. For example, there’s a commercial with a lady that walks into her home, locks her door, eats a piece of cake, and then pulls out a cigarette. At the end it says, “Now it’s time to protect yourself… from yourself.” How moving is that?? The advertisements without the most attractive women, the six-packed men, and the beautiful hair are the most eye-catching. This video was a great way to get attention. There aren’t any distractions; the message is easily getting across.
The Virtual Choir
This is so neat! To have anyone from anywhere be involved in this is so unique. This is truly showing that internet can really take away from being face-to-face. They say e-mails, text messaging and social networking are diminishing our ability to have people skills. I was never really sure I totally agreed with that. Yes, we are using them for convenience. However, we still run into people every day and still interact with others on a daily basis as we lives our everyday lives.
Seeing this video really is suggesting that it could happen! “It” being not having to see people every day for the rest of our lives! Even though it may allow us to be cooped up in our homes and on the computer, never in a million years did I think this could be performed by using technology! I think it is a positive regardless of what everyone else says! Bravo!!
Dr. Scott McLeod works at Iowa State University as a professor. He and Dr. Joan Hughes established a national technology program, CASTLE, for secondary and college education. It helps to make sure that the education system is fulfilling technological requirements in the schools. Castle stands for the following: Center for the Advanced Study of Technology in Education. Also, the following was my comment on his blog post, "Don't Teach Your Kids This Stuff. Please?": Mr. McLeod,
I’ve been assigned by Dr. Strange to read this post. I really enjoyed reading what you have to say about technology! I agree to an extent. My parents got my brother a cell phone when he was 10. My parents did not do it because he is spoiled rotten. He never asked for a cell phone. My brother is very active and is always somewhere! When he goes to a friend’s house, we hate having to call the home phone to get in touch with him. When he goes to a football game with some friends, my parents don’t like having to give up their own cell phones so he can call us for any reason. So like I said, I completely agree on most levels! But for some things, I think it’s okay to incorporate technology in children’s lives. However, too many technical things is a little too much! Thanks for your post! I look forward to reading more from you. The following is a link to my blog:
Leah Davis
The iSchool Initiative
I love the idea of iSchool! I am currently observing at Foley Elementary School. On Friday, I was in Mrs. Davis’ kindergarten classroom. Included in center time are four iPod Touches. In this particular center, four children are given each an iPod Touch and a set of headphones. Downloaded on the iPods are educational games for kindergarten students. Also included are songs that go along with learning like, “The Days of the Week” and “There Are Four Seasons and I Know Them All.” This provides the five and six-year-old kids with education and technology.
In college, we are already using “iSchool,” as all of our assignments, grades, due dates, and communication are through the internet. To avoid a complete culture shock and overwhelming feelings when students enter college, why not already have them introduced by including some of this in high school? It seems easier to navigate the iSchool than going to for everything we are assigned. For example, when sixth graders need to know what all of the numbers are on the periodic table, they no longer have to Google or Ask Jeeves anything else! All that is necessary is pulling it up on the iSchool and clicking on the elements! This is so much more convenient and less time consuming.
What is also nice about this is the fact that everything is in the kids’ hands. When a teenager goes out of town for Thanksgiving, they are certain to an assignment over the break. No more excuses on the following Monday! This way, kids can work while during the eight hour drives and not have to lug around four binders, enough paper, all of the handouts, the dictionary, and the necessary mediums. This is a great idea!
The Lost Generation
Wow! I am posting these first few sentences on the first twenty-three seconds. So far, it seems to be unfortunately true. Every time I meet someone new, I assume their parents are not together. When I meet a new adult, I assume they are recently divorced. How sad is it that we automatically assume that people get caught up in other things and their families are breaking apart? I just now hit play and quickly pause once again! “Experts say that in thirty years I will be celebrating the tenth anniversary of my divorce.” According to statistics, yes, I will not argue that statement! What’s worse is that we will probably be “celebrating” it, and not still be in mourning over it.
I absolutely love that she reversed the speech! I was wondering if that was going to be done or not; I was wondering if she was going to go along with the statistics and the predictions, or she would fight them.
When I am sitting at the computer with the television behind me and all of a sudden I don’t hear anything, I always turn around. When I do, I see that it is a commercial that has no visual actors or images. The commercial is just flashing up statements. For example, there’s a commercial with a lady that walks into her home, locks her door, eats a piece of cake, and then pulls out a cigarette. At the end it says, “Now it’s time to protect yourself… from yourself.” How moving is that?? The advertisements without the most attractive women, the six-packed men, and the beautiful hair are the most eye-catching. This video was a great way to get attention. There aren’t any distractions; the message is easily getting across.
The Virtual Choir
This is so neat! To have anyone from anywhere be involved in this is so unique. This is truly showing that internet can really take away from being face-to-face. They say e-mails, text messaging and social networking are diminishing our ability to have people skills. I was never really sure I totally agreed with that. Yes, we are using them for convenience. However, we still run into people every day and still interact with others on a daily basis as we lives our everyday lives.
Seeing this video really is suggesting that it could happen! “It” being not having to see people every day for the rest of our lives! Even though it may allow us to be cooped up in our homes and on the computer, never in a million years did I think this could be performed by using technology! I think it is a positive regardless of what everyone else says! Bravo!!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Project 3: Teacher's Summary
I have been assigned to read David Hopkins' blog posts. His first post was so neat! The post was about an iPhone application called "Streetmuseum." Created in London, it allows anyone with the app to view historical photographs in different parts of the particular area in which you are. The app uses a GPS to lead you to different locations. Once you've reached your coordinates, select the "3D View" button and a photo of a past time will appear. It gives you a glimpse of what life was like during that time period. I am not an iPhone owner but if I were, I would be all over this! Not only does it teach us more about technology but it teaches about our history! It allows us to remember that we are not the only people on the planet!
David Hopkins' second post was on the topic of blog security. I have never even heard of WordPress and here I am trying to apply it. Hopkins gives a list of the best tools and programs to protect our blogs. He also lists "Top 10 Ways to..." to further security on the internet. I love the idea that people around the world are sharing how to protect ourselves! I don't know much about blogs in the first place. So, reviewing his posts has helped me get in tune with the Apple and blog world!
David Hopkins' second post was on the topic of blog security. I have never even heard of WordPress and here I am trying to apply it. Hopkins gives a list of the best tools and programs to protect our blogs. He also lists "Top 10 Ways to..." to further security on the internet. I love the idea that people around the world are sharing how to protect ourselves! I don't know much about blogs in the first place. So, reviewing his posts has helped me get in tune with the Apple and blog world!
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